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Syndrome de fente palatine-synéchies latérales
Syndrome létal d'omphalocèle-fente palatine

Traduction de «Syndrome létal d'omphalocèle-fente palatine » (Français → Anglais) :

syndrome létal d'omphalocèle-fente palatine

Czeizel syndrome

syndrome de fente palatine-synéchies latérales


syndrome de colobome maculaire-fente palatine-hallux valgus

Syndrome with the association of bilateral macular coloboma, cleft palate, and hallux valgus. It has been described in a brother and sister. Pelvic, limb and digital anomalies were also reported. Transmission is autosomal recessive.

datacenter (12): (

Syndrome létal d'omphalocèle-fente palatine ->

Date index: 2022-02-19