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Aircraft report
Aircraft weight analyst
Aircraft weight ratio
Aircraft weight report
Calculate aircraft weight
Calculate total weight of aircraft
Coating ratio
Coating weight ratio
Determine aircraft weight
Engineer weight master
Engineering-weight computer
High thrust-to-weight ratio
Pound weight ratio
Power to weight ratio
Power weight ratio
Power-to-weight ratio
Power-weight ratio
Strength-to-weight ratio
Thrust weight ratio
Thrust-to-weight ratio
Weight analyst
Weight engineer
Weight-to-strength ratio
Weights engineer
Weights-control engineer
Work out the total weight of an aircraft

Traduction de «aircraft weight ratio » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous

determine aircraft weight | work out the total weight of an aircraft | calculate aircraft weight | calculate total weight of aircraft

calculer le poids d'un avion

power-to-weight ratio [ power-weight ratio | power to weight ratio ]

puissance massique [ rapport puissance-poids ]

A/C report | A/C weight report | aircraft report | aircraft weight report

devis de masse

strength-to-weight ratio [ weight-to-strength ratio ]

rapport résistance-poids [ rapport solidité-poids ]

pound weight ratio | power weight ratio

masse par rapport à la puissance

thrust-to-weight ratio | thrust weight ratio

rapport de la poussée au poids

high thrust/weight ratio [ high thrust-to-weight ratio ]

rapport poussée/poids éle

weight engineer | weights engineer | aircraft weight analyst | weight analyst | weights-control engineer | engineer weight master | engineering-weight computer | mathematician

aérotechnicien | aérotechnicienne | mathématicien du vol | mathématicienne du vol | analyste du vol | mathématicien analyste | mathématicienne analyste | mathématicien de l'aéronautique | mathématicienne de l'aéronautique | ingénieur des poids | ingénieure des poids | ingénieur en constructions aéronautiques | ingénieure en constructions aéronautiques | ingénieur en aéronautique | ingénieure en aéronautique | aérodynamiste

coating weight ratio | coating ratio

rapport de revêtement
At present there are no alternatives available that have the ability to extinguish a fire and suppress an explosion in a volume-to-weight ratio acceptable for fuel tank inerting in a fighter aircraft.

Il n'existe à ce jour aucun produit de remplacement capable d'éteindre un incendie et de supprimer une explosion sans dépasser un rapport volume-poids acceptable pour la mise sous atmosphère inerte du réservoir à carburant d'un chasseur.
