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Cesarean wound disruption
Disruption of caesarean section wound
Disruption of perineal obstetric wound
Disruption of wound of episiotomy
Perineal laceration
Secondary perineal tear

Traduction de «disruption wound episiotomy » (Anglais → Français) :

Disruption of wound of:episiotomy | perineal laceration | Secondary perineal tear

Déchirure secondaire du périnée Rupture d'une suture de:déchirure du périnée | épisiotomie

Disruption of caesarean section wound

Rupture d'une suture de césarienne

Disruption of perineal obstetric wound

Rupture d'une suture obstétricale du périnée

Cesarean wound disruption

rupture de la cicatrice de césarienne

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Date index: 2022-08-27