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Traduction de «APPRE » (Français → Anglais) :

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Association pour la promotion professionnelle des ruraux d'Envermeu | APPRE [Abbr.]

Envermeu Association for Rural Vocational Training
Ils appr?cient ce qui fait la force du syst?me bancaire national du Canada, la stabilit? et la solidit? financi?re des institutions bancaires et la pr?sence de succursales bancaires locales qui fournissent toute une gamme de services.

They value the strengths of Canada's national banking system, the stability and financial soundness of banking institutions, and the presence of local bank branches providing a broad range of services.

Ce sont des caract?ristiques fondamentales du syst?me financier canadien que les d?taillants appr?cient et qui, selon eux, doivent ?tre pr?serv?es.

Those are core attributes of the Canadian financial system that retailers appreciate and believe must be maintained.

Inflation: 9% (FMI pour '95); appr.

Inflation: 9% (IMF for '95); appr.

4. Faisant le point des relations bilat rales, le Conseil d'association a soulign l'excellence des travaux pr paratoires men s en d cembre dernier par le Comit d'association, ainsi que les appr ciables contributions apport es, depuis la derni re session, par les deux commissions parlementaires d'association.

4. In its assessment of the state of bilateral relations, the Association Council took note of the good preparation made by Association Committee of December last, as well as of the useful contributions made by the two Parliamentary Association Committees held since the last meeting.

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Sur la base d'un rapport de Sir Leon BRITTAN sur l' volution la plus r cente de la situation en la mati re, le Conseil a partag l'appr ciation de la Commission selon laquelle, gr ce la quantit et la qualit des offres pr sent es par les autres participants aux n gociations, il a t possible d'arr ter un tel ensemble de dispositions qui peut tre consid r comme satisfaisant.

On the basis of a report by Sir Leon BRITTAN on the latest developments, the Council shared the assessment of the Commission that, on the basis of the quantity and the quality of the offers presented by the other participants in the negotiations, such a package had been achieved and was to be considered as satisfactory.

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Date index: 2022-06-15